Friday, July 17, 2009


Diet is an essential factor for the formation and foundation of our body. 'Charak Samhita' has clearly mentioned that consuming improper diet in improper way is the main cause of 'Disease'.
According to Charak ,"An appropriate and suitable diet in a disease is equivalent to hundred drugs and any quantity of drug hardly compares to good results in disease without following proper dietetic regimen"

" When diet is wrong medicine is of no use.When diet is correct medicine is of no need. "[Ancient Ayurvedic Proverb]
Ayurvedic classics have mentioned following principles for living full span of life with perfect health.
Diet should be regulated taking into account the 'D0sha'(territory), 'Kala' (Season as well as time of the day) etc.
One should be in a habit of taking all six 'Rasa' (tastes) in order to prevent nutritional deficiency disorders.( that is also one important therapy to prevent obesity. how?- our children usually have foods with 3 tastes only i.e. - sweet, salty and sour. Typical example is french fries and tomato catchup or kurkure or any junk food. Now taste buds memorise only 3 tastes and body is in deficiency of vitamins and important substances so there will be a craving for foods. But taste buds know only 3 tastes and thats why children will have more junk food which will result in deficiecy of important vitamins - so more craving - more junk food and that vicious cycle goes on which will lead to obesity.)

Time of consuming food : A person should take meal only when he feels hungry. Lunch should be taken early between 12 and 1P.M. this coincides with the peak Pitta period, Pitta is responsible for the digestion. Ayurveda recommends that the lunch should be the largest meal of the day. The supper should be lesser and lighter than lunch
Quantity of food : Generally half of the capacity of stomach should be filled with solids, ¼ th with liquids and rest kept empty for the free movements of body humors.
Sequence of consuming food :Madhur (sweet) rasa food like fruits are advisable to take in the beginning of meal, food with Amla and Lavana (sour and salty) rasa in the middle and Katu,Tikta,Kashay (bitter ,astringent and pungent) foods should be taken at the end of meal
Method of consuming food :
* Wash the face hands and feet before meal. Dine in an isolated neat and clean place in pleasant environment with the affectionate persons in sitting position.
* Eat only food prepared by loving hands in a loving way. This increases the vitality giving quality of the food.
* Food should be taken after complete digestion of previous one.
* Chew your food until it is an even consistency before swallowing.
* Hard items should be consumed in the beginning followed by soft and liquids subsequently.
* Few sips of water is advised now and then while taking meal.
* Heavy substances are contraindicated after meals and should be avoided
* Do not drink cold drinks just prior to or while eating, also don't drink large quantities of liquid during meals. This weakens digestion.
* Consumption of excessive hot food leads to weakness. Cold and dry food leads to delayed digestion. Intake of food prepared by giving extra
heat leads to 'Glani'. Hence consumption of such food should be avoided
Incompatible Food (Viruddha ahara) :
Milk followed by fruits and vice versa.
Soar substance along with milk.
Milk with salt, horse gram, green gram & cow gram.
Wheat preparations in gingelly oil(Tila taila).
Hot drinks after alcohol, curd or honey.
Cold and hot substances together.
Banana with curd and butter milk.
Chicken with curd.
Ghee kept in bronze vessel.
Radish with jaggery.
Fish with jaggery or sugar.
Jingelly seeds with kanjika.
Use of incompatible food leads to skin disorders, Gastro intestinal .Disorders , anaemia, leucoderma hyperacidity impotence etc. hence should be avoided.
General Rules about food consumption :
How you eat your food is even more important than what you eat. Even foods, which normally cause greater imbalance, will be digested reasonable well if the proper rules are followed. Likewise, if you eat the correct foods in the wrong way, your digestion will be compromised and gas, indigestion and the formation of toxins will follow. If you follow these food habits and choose the correct foods then your digestion will be maximized and you will experience optimal digestion.
Here are some Important Do's and Don't s -
Do not eat while being distracted by television, excessive conversation or reading. Keep the mind present and pay full attention.
Don't eat fruits immediately after meals- Immediately eating fruits after meals will cause stomach to be bloated with air. Therefore take fruit one to two hours after meal or one hour before meal.
Walk a while(100 steps) after meal to help digestion
No travelling, exercise or sexual intercourse within one hour after meal.
Avoid meals when thirsty and water while hungry.
Avoid meals after exertion
Avoid meals when you are having no appetite.
Don't suppress the appetite as it leads to body pain, anorexia, lassitude, vertigo and general debility
Don't suppress the thirst as it leads to general debility, giddiness and heart diseases.
Consumption of the fresh, acceptable, easily available and compatible food with various nutrients is a key to lead a healthy life.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Can you keep a secret? Better yet, can you keep 50? Can you use these secrets to change your life and your body for the better? If you did nothing other than incorporate these secrets into your daily life, in a year's time they would amount to substantial change. Here is what a fit person does
1. Always keep a water bottle and drink from it often. Water is the drink of choice, not soft drinks. Take 3 to 5 liters of fluid per day. Be cautious if you are having low sodium ( hyponatremia).
2. Look at exercise as a pleasure and privilege -- not a burden or chore. But do excercise regularly. Because gap in excercise easily cause deconditioning of the heart. Never do excercise after having meals.
3. Think twice before deciding what to eat and why, making sure that it is healthy and will give the body good nutrition. Always keep ur stomach 1/3 empty.
4. Measure intake based on activity, not how you "feel"; need mandates intake, not mood.
5. Take action to solve problems when things get emotional, instead of turning to food as a cure.
6. Start the day with a well-balanced meal.
7. Start each day with positive input from material that's listened to or read. This will help you to remain positive throughout the day.
8. Drink a minimum amount of caffeine only in the form of coffee or tea.
9. Make long-term goals and a plan of how to achieve them, leaving nothing to chance.
10. Focus on short-term goals with an emphasis on completing daily actions.
11. Live with a purpose. Wake up each day knowing what you are working toward: something "greater than" can be accomplished in a lifetime.
12. Keep a daily planner with the day's actions written down in order to keep track of what needs to be done, what has been done and what was not accomplished.
13. Review each day at the end of the day to set tomorrow's actions and plan.
14. Always make time for relaxing and rewards at scheduled times. To avoid stress from time factor, finish yr work before deadlines. Always reach before time to prevent faster heart beats. Do regular pranayama and meditation which keeps ur heart rate very slow and improves your excercise tolerance. Sell out your second cellular phone if you are having two. Its my personal observation that person who is continuously engaged on cellular phones having high risk of diabetes, hypertension and dyslipidemias and true examples are corporate workers, bank managers etc.
15. Never live an unhealthy life when on vacation.
16. See health as a privilege and not as something to take for granted. Life and death are not in your hand but healthy life always.
17. Enjoy contributing to the health of others by having a partner or friends to exercise with, as well as recruiting others who desire to get fit.
18. Learn new ways and new techniques for exercising. Avoid fast walking on hard surface and use cushioned shoes for walking to prevent knee and ankle injury.
19. Avoid monotony by taking up new forms of exercising.
20. Subscribe to health magazines to keep focused on a healthy way of life.
21. Invest in workout clothes, good tennis shoes and other apparel.
22. Never take your health for granted by taking a day off from a healthy life.
23. Know when too much of a good thing is no longer a good thing.
24. Keep a sharp mind and a positive attitude with educational and motivational material.
25. Take time to count the many blessings that are present in life each day. Always thanks to the persons or things who are having foundation role in your life- parents, family, teachers ( guru), friends, national leaders, saints, sun, water, earth, tree, god and archetypal soul, mythological character and every little things in universe who have obliged u and helped u in bringing up- in morning before getting up from bed and while going to sleep.
26. Realize that life and all things natural are a gift and should be taken care of and preserved for the health of all.
27. Brush off criticism and don't dwell on negative comments from others.
28. Attempt to bring calm and reasoning to a hostile or chaotic situation.
29. Respond to a challenge instead of reacting to what difficulties may be present. Take positive to every event in life which generates happy molecules like interferons and endorphins.
30. Know that there is so much that is not known.
31. Understand that time is limited here on Earth.
32. Learn to live without regrets and know that life is the experiences that we choose.
33. Take vitamin and minerals from natural source that support a healthy balance. Increase your fruit intakes. Take atleast one wallnut/day , 3 pc of almond and one tsp honey with 1/2 tsp of Brahmi with glassful of lukewarm water early in morning before breakfast.
34. Value organization so as not to have "clutter" in your life.
35. Value good hygiene inside -- the mind and organs and muscles -- as well as on the outside: your skin, hair, and nails.
36. Seek natural methods of health care including massage, chiropractic and naturopathic in addition to medical care. Do regular meditation.
37. Take exercise to new levels.
38. Create a schedule for ultimate health and fitness.
39. Move beyond the boundaries of weight loss and into fitness.
40. Strive to reach your dreams everyday. Never ignore your hobby. Fulfill your possible desires.
41. Live each day to its fullest. Be happy and make others happy. Fill the lives of near and dear ones with happiness.
42. Do not get into "wacky" diets and eating plans.
43. Live a balanced life -- exercise, work, family, and GOD. Do regular prayer.
44. Get adequate amounts of sleep.
45. Avoid medications and drugs of all sort unless absolutely necessary.
46. Avoid alcohol and if not possible limit its use for social occasion. Avoid tobacco in any form.
47. Do what the average person doesn't want to do.
48. Exercise discipline by following a daily regimen.
49. Take a vacation by doing activities such as jet skiing, mountain biking, hiking in the outback or going to a getaway spa.
50. Know that life is fulfilling with optimal health in the mind, spirit and body!

which foods are hepful in gout

Anyone who has had a gout attack will agree that it is probably one of the most painful experiences that you can experience ailment wise. And the bad news is that if you have had one gout attack, chances are you will have another. In a recent study conducted by cure-gout-now, the average chance of a reoccurring gout attack was 76%. Out of 100 gout sufferers surveyed, it found that the average was 3 attacks per year.
So how do you prevent this from happening? The answer is in how an attack is created and ultimately in what foods you eat.
Gout is a form of arthritis that can be prevented. Your body creates excessive amounts of uric acid. The body usually is able to eliminate and process this acid but when the build up is too high, it enters the bloodstream rather than get eliminated where it winds up crystalizing into hard sharp deposits around your joints.
We naturally create uric acid but some of the created uric acid is due to the protein we eat. An enzyme that breaks down protein creates the by product, uric acid. By knowing this, we know that we need to eat foods that can help in reducing inflammation, eliminating excessive toxins in our body and
aid our digestive system.
Luckily, there are several foods that are good for those who have gout attacks. Below is a short list that will help aid those who suffer from gout:
Cherries, Blueberries, Strawberries, ect- Berries are a great natural uric acid neutralizer. They are also high in magnesium and vitamin C which aid the digestive system.
- In my opinion, water is probably the #1 secret weapon to fighting and preventing gout attacks. Water helps the body eliminate toxins and waste quickly from your body. There is simply no better home remedy for gout. Most people will dismiss this advice but if you have gout, you should drink more than your share of water.
Garlic- Garlic is another great uric acid inhibitor. This super food will help you to regulate your uric acid levels. The secret is in the sulfur that is contained in garlic (onions are another great food to try)Afraid of stinking? Take a tablet instead.
Good fats and oils- Surprised I mention this? The #1 thing missing in the standard Diet is not vitamins and minerals like many believe; it is the deficiency in good fats like omega 3's and 6's. You can get this in fish, flaxseed oil, nuts other than peanuts (almonds, pecans, ect.).
Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables- Most fruits and vegetables have natural anti-inflammatory properties in them that will aid with not only the pain of a gout attack but speed along recovery.
This is just a small taste of foods that are the best when you have gout.
A regular regimen of good, healthy food and water with the appropriate mix of healthy fats and oils will go a long way to treating and preventing gout.


Natural Remedies For Tinnitus

Tinnitus is unbearable the persistent ringing, buzzing or hissing sound in your ears in the absence of corresponding sound present outside. Tinnitus may disturb your sleep and even your daily routine.
CausesThere are four parts of our ear; the outer, middle, inner and the brain. Any infection to these parts causes tinnitus. One of the main causes of tinnitus can be exposure to loud noise for longer duration. Louder and unpleasant noises affect the hair cells in the inner part of the ear that translates sounds into nerve impulses.
The general reasons for the cause of tinnitus might be low blood sugar. Even poor nutritious food and food allergies can lead to tinnitus. One of the medically proven cause of tinnitus is, Meniere's disease which causes vertigo in the inner part of the ear ultimately leading to loss of hearing. Stress can also be contributing in worsening the case.
Other reasons for the cause of tinnitus may include high cholesterol, swelling or ballooning of the artery, high blood pressure, ear infections, head injury or any such damage that restricts the flow of blood to your inner ear.
Natural Remedies for Tinnitus
1. Avoid exposure to loud noises. You can use ear plugs or cotton balls if you are compulsorily exposed to noises.
2. Avoid stress at times as it may be a triggering factor causing tinnitus.
3. Evade taking aspirins if you are habituated to. An aspirin worsens the tinnitus.
4. Get regular checkup for your blood pressure and keep in control,
5. Avoid salt and alcoholic stimulants from your diet and follow healthy and nutritious diet.
6. Things like saturated fats and sugars are responsible to bring more of tinnitus. Avoid them.
7. If you are suffering from tinnitus then you can try putting extract of Maidenhair tree or Ginkgo biloba into your ears. Do this for around 6 weeks.
8. You can also try putting lukewarm sesame oil into the ear, as suggested by Ayurvedic physicians. This gives you relief from the pain. It is recommended to do under professional experience.
There are certain medications and drugs prescribed for the treatment of tinnitus, but they are not proved to be dependable. These drugs may cause you some sort of side effects like drowsiness, nausea, palpitation, stomach pain, anxiety and may even lead to insomnia and blurred vision. Fortunately, natural remedies do work but need an eye of experienced professional.

keep ur child fit

Healthy Energy Levels For Kids, Heart Research UK
Type 2 diabetes is on the rise both in our country and worldwide and it no longer just affects older overweight people: children and adolescents are now being diagnosed with it. The key risk factors over which we have control are being overweight and leading an unhealthy lifestyle. Getting our little ones into good habits early on is the best way to prevent Type 2 diabetes and also heart disease.
A healthy kick start - Breakfast will wake them up and help them perform better at school; keep it varied and nutritious so they look forward to it and bounce out of the house. Warm them up with some hot chocolate made with semi-skimmed milk, some porridge or a boiled egg and wholemeal toast. Choose breakfast cereals that are low in sugar and salt and offer them a glass of fruit juice to give them a vitamin and mineral boost.
A brisk walk to school or part of the way will give them fresh air and start them off alert and ready for lessons.
After-school munchies -At the end of a busy school day, fight off those hunger pangs quickly with some fruit and nut mix, cream cheese or mashed banana on brown toast, curd mixed with pieces of fruit and a little jam or home-made popcorn.
Quench their thirst with a large glass of water or diluted fruit juice. For bought snacks, choose low-fat, low-sugar versions where you can.
Send them out in the garden in warm old clothes or let them have an exercise session on the Wii until tea is ready. You could also sign them up for an after-school sports club to ensure they get their one hour exercise a day and a good night's sleep.
Giving your children every opportunity to be active and get the energy and nutrients they need in a healthy way will help them maintain a healthy weight, keep that heart healthy and keep diabetes at bay.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Hi friends,
In this new blogsite i will share some ideas about food and nutrions, health tips and information about the diseases. My goal is one should fine and fit till end and should enjoy happy and healthy life. There should not be disease or fear of disease in body, mind and soul. I want total healing and quantum healing in you. Here is some facts about the fruits we daily eat.

Apples :

Action: Astringent, alterative, refrigerant
Indications: Diarrhea, intestinal bleeding or ulcers
(pectin binds the stool and promotes healing of
damaged membranes), bleeding gums, gall blad-
der, inflammations, blood cholesterol, detoxifies,
chronic enteritis, Pitta and Kapha arthritis, herpes,
viruses, acid stomach, fiber, chelates metals, pro-
tects from x-ray radiation, blood pressure; baked
apples or sour apples are better for Váyu. Apple
juice is good for gastritis, colitis, and burning in-
fections. Apple skin is high in calcium.

Energetics: Sweet, sour/hot/sweet VK- P+ mildly
and in excess
Action: Relieves thirst, anti-cough
Indications: Fever, constipation, cancer, skin,
muscle, and nerve disorders.

Energetics: Sweet, astringent/hot/sour V-K+ P+
in excess or ulcers. (Unripe: astringent PK-, V+)
Action: Astringent, refrigerant, laxative, nutritive,
tonic, heavy, strengthening, aphrodisiac
Indications: Unripe—diarrhea, dysentery, cough,
lung bleeding, infants and young children, nerves,
alcoholism, Váyu hypertension, heart disorders,
protects against strokes, diarrhea, hemorrhoids,
high in potassium, vitamin C, and carbohydrates.
When taken with ghee and cardamom, bananas
alleviate hypoglycemia, constipation, and muscle
cramps; also build muscle and fat; and nerve and
reproductive tissues.
Precautions: Not used for Pitta with ulcers, hard
to digest, do not drink liquids for one hour after
eating a banana. They are not be eaten with milk
or yogurt, or eaten when suffering from fever,
edema, vomiting, or cough with mucus.

Dates (khajur)
Energetics: Sweet/cold/sweet VP- K+ in excess.
V+ if dry
Action: Nutritive, tonic, aphrodisiac, one of the best
fruit strengtheners, demulcent, laxative, refriger-
ant, febrifuge, expectorant
Indications: Tonic with almonds, restorative with
milk or kefir, for weak children, lung disease, con-
valescence, febrile disease, asthma, increase se-
men, strengthens reproductive systems (may be
added to herbal formulas as tonic). Good for wast-
ing diseases and injuries. Date sugar is a good
source of iron. Good for cough, gonorrhea. Plan-
tain, Dates, Coconut: Sweet-cold-sweet. VP- K+.
relieves burning, lungs, TB, bleeding; increases
reproductive fluid, hard to digest.

Papaya (Papita - H)
Energetics: Sweet, sour/hot/sweet V- PK+ P+ in
Action: Digestive aid, toning, demulcent, stimu-
lant, laxative
Indications: Convalescence, digestive disorders,
pancreas, regulates sugar metabolism, cough,
worms, asthma, back pain, colon disorders, liver
and spleen disorders; chronic illness, seeds—em-
menagogue, for abortion; unripe juice—
antiparasitical, blood thinner, prevents heart attack.
Externally—the inner skin of the fruit is rubbed
on one’s skin for eczema and dermatitis.

Energetics: Sweet/cold/sweet P- K+ V+ (in excess)
Action: Refrigerant, febrifuge, diuretic, aphrodi-
Indications: Watermelon (Chayapula)—summer
heat, sunstroke, fevers, thirst, vexation, irritabil-
ity, burning urine (taken with a pinch of corian-
der), or burning sensations; blood purifier, cleans
tissues; bleeding gums, canker sores in the mouth;
high in vitamin A and C, (with seeds V=); antisep-
tic for typhoid fever. With cumin and cane sugar
the juice helps urinary conditions, intestinal ca-
tarrh, and congested liver; Cantaloupe—milder, is
better for Váyu. For acne and rashes, and to pro-
mote soft skin—rub melon rind on skin before bed.
Watermelon binds the stool and flushes the kid-
neys, but only eat them 3 hours after meals.
Contraindications: Eat alone. Watermelon—do not
eat at night or when cloudy (this causes edema or
abdominal pain). Eating them in excess causes res-
piratory problems. Not eaten with glaucoma

Pineapple (Ananas-H)
Energetics: Sweet or sour/cold or hot/
sweet or pungent V- KP+ (sour or unripe)
sweet in moderation
Action: Diuretic, refrigerant, laxative, digestive
stimulant, anti-scurvy, diaphoretic
Indications: Cleanses the liver, biliousness, acid-
ity, jaundice, counters the effects of alcohol. Juice
relieves constipation and gastric irritability in fe-
vers. To reduce cigarette smoking and nicotine tox-
icity, chew small pieces of the fruit with half a tea-
spoon of raw honey. It digests albuminous (pro-
tein) substances. Contains high amounts of easily
assimilated manganese (which may prevent os-
Precautions: Juice will aggravate Pitta. Not given
to children under 7 years old. Not eaten on an
empty stomach in the morning. Not taken within
two hours of ingesting dairy products. Unripe pine-
apples may cause abortion.