Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Hi friends,
In this new blogsite i will share some ideas about food and nutrions, health tips and information about the diseases. My goal is one should fine and fit till end and should enjoy happy and healthy life. There should not be disease or fear of disease in body, mind and soul. I want total healing and quantum healing in you. Here is some facts about the fruits we daily eat.

Apples :

Action: Astringent, alterative, refrigerant
Indications: Diarrhea, intestinal bleeding or ulcers
(pectin binds the stool and promotes healing of
damaged membranes), bleeding gums, gall blad-
der, inflammations, blood cholesterol, detoxifies,
chronic enteritis, Pitta and Kapha arthritis, herpes,
viruses, acid stomach, fiber, chelates metals, pro-
tects from x-ray radiation, blood pressure; baked
apples or sour apples are better for Váyu. Apple
juice is good for gastritis, colitis, and burning in-
fections. Apple skin is high in calcium.

Energetics: Sweet, sour/hot/sweet VK- P+ mildly
and in excess
Action: Relieves thirst, anti-cough
Indications: Fever, constipation, cancer, skin,
muscle, and nerve disorders.

Energetics: Sweet, astringent/hot/sour V-K+ P+
in excess or ulcers. (Unripe: astringent PK-, V+)
Action: Astringent, refrigerant, laxative, nutritive,
tonic, heavy, strengthening, aphrodisiac
Indications: Unripe—diarrhea, dysentery, cough,
lung bleeding, infants and young children, nerves,
alcoholism, Váyu hypertension, heart disorders,
protects against strokes, diarrhea, hemorrhoids,
high in potassium, vitamin C, and carbohydrates.
When taken with ghee and cardamom, bananas
alleviate hypoglycemia, constipation, and muscle
cramps; also build muscle and fat; and nerve and
reproductive tissues.
Precautions: Not used for Pitta with ulcers, hard
to digest, do not drink liquids for one hour after
eating a banana. They are not be eaten with milk
or yogurt, or eaten when suffering from fever,
edema, vomiting, or cough with mucus.

Dates (khajur)
Energetics: Sweet/cold/sweet VP- K+ in excess.
V+ if dry
Action: Nutritive, tonic, aphrodisiac, one of the best
fruit strengtheners, demulcent, laxative, refriger-
ant, febrifuge, expectorant
Indications: Tonic with almonds, restorative with
milk or kefir, for weak children, lung disease, con-
valescence, febrile disease, asthma, increase se-
men, strengthens reproductive systems (may be
added to herbal formulas as tonic). Good for wast-
ing diseases and injuries. Date sugar is a good
source of iron. Good for cough, gonorrhea. Plan-
tain, Dates, Coconut: Sweet-cold-sweet. VP- K+.
relieves burning, lungs, TB, bleeding; increases
reproductive fluid, hard to digest.

Papaya (Papita - H)
Energetics: Sweet, sour/hot/sweet V- PK+ P+ in
Action: Digestive aid, toning, demulcent, stimu-
lant, laxative
Indications: Convalescence, digestive disorders,
pancreas, regulates sugar metabolism, cough,
worms, asthma, back pain, colon disorders, liver
and spleen disorders; chronic illness, seeds—em-
menagogue, for abortion; unripe juice—
antiparasitical, blood thinner, prevents heart attack.
Externally—the inner skin of the fruit is rubbed
on one’s skin for eczema and dermatitis.

Energetics: Sweet/cold/sweet P- K+ V+ (in excess)
Action: Refrigerant, febrifuge, diuretic, aphrodi-
Indications: Watermelon (Chayapula)—summer
heat, sunstroke, fevers, thirst, vexation, irritabil-
ity, burning urine (taken with a pinch of corian-
der), or burning sensations; blood purifier, cleans
tissues; bleeding gums, canker sores in the mouth;
high in vitamin A and C, (with seeds V=); antisep-
tic for typhoid fever. With cumin and cane sugar
the juice helps urinary conditions, intestinal ca-
tarrh, and congested liver; Cantaloupe—milder, is
better for Váyu. For acne and rashes, and to pro-
mote soft skin—rub melon rind on skin before bed.
Watermelon binds the stool and flushes the kid-
neys, but only eat them 3 hours after meals.
Contraindications: Eat alone. Watermelon—do not
eat at night or when cloudy (this causes edema or
abdominal pain). Eating them in excess causes res-
piratory problems. Not eaten with glaucoma

Pineapple (Ananas-H)
Energetics: Sweet or sour/cold or hot/
sweet or pungent V- KP+ (sour or unripe)
sweet in moderation
Action: Diuretic, refrigerant, laxative, digestive
stimulant, anti-scurvy, diaphoretic
Indications: Cleanses the liver, biliousness, acid-
ity, jaundice, counters the effects of alcohol. Juice
relieves constipation and gastric irritability in fe-
vers. To reduce cigarette smoking and nicotine tox-
icity, chew small pieces of the fruit with half a tea-
spoon of raw honey. It digests albuminous (pro-
tein) substances. Contains high amounts of easily
assimilated manganese (which may prevent os-
Precautions: Juice will aggravate Pitta. Not given
to children under 7 years old. Not eaten on an
empty stomach in the morning. Not taken within
two hours of ingesting dairy products. Unripe pine-
apples may cause abortion.

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