What does really make you sick? Is it bacteria? Is it virus? Is ityour sloppiness? Is it hereditary or genetically? There are variousreasons and causes that make you sick. However, there should be ananswer on how to escape from getting such maladies, if not, minimizeit.Some people are really healthy and some look so weak. We envy richand healthy people when we get ill. Some look so sick due tofinancial stress. Stress is also a cause of illness as you know.Whatever the causes are, there must be some solutions to minimizegetting illnesses. Yes, there are.Do you believe that brushing teeth is one way to eliminate many kindsof diseases? Brushing your teeth may prevent serious illnesses suchas diabetes, cancer, heart disease, kidney, and liver troubles. Is itpossible to clean your blood and prevent some heart disease out ofyour toothbrush? Yes, it is possible. It is just like a good prayerto God when you brush your teeth :) .Many illnesses we know are maybe the result of "periodontal (gum)disease" without our knowledge or undetected. Of course, suchperiodontal disease goes through the bloodstream to other internalorgans in the body, and one day it may lead to unexpected illnesses.Most of us do not think that health problems come from our mouth orteeth. However, most dentists know about it. Brushing teeth is a veryeffective means of preventing periodontal diseases.Of course, brushing teeth does not mean that you won't suffer fromdiseases like diabetes, cancer, and AIDS. What we mean is it willhelp you minimize contracting such maladies because as I said it isjust like a prayer to God. Brushing teeth daily is just the same asconcentrating spiritually as well as mentally. Do you notice thatyour blood pressure goes down, sugar contents in your blood goesdown, and your heartbeat calms down, after brushing your teeth? It isbecause when you are concentrating to something just like thatof "Yoga" or listening to a classical music and of course brushing ofyour teeth, your brain wave becomes calm without distortions.Of course, there are hundreds of factors involve when getting sick.Food intake, works you do everyday, and stress you shoulder everydaycould be factors of getting sick.
FASTING We all know about "fasting". Almost all religious sectors seem tohave a certain session for fasting. What does fasting means? Fastingfrom food. Fasting from sex. Fasting from drinking liquor. Fastingmay mean detoxification of all evils.In an ancient Chinese medical and Buddhism book, it says that fastingwill stop or slow the function of cells in the body, and heals allwounds physically and spiritually.In Japan, there are temples and fasting centers where they train onhow to start fasting.
At least, you now understand what really make you sick. When you arecalm and your brain wave is calm, thus, sending proper signals toyour body cells, you won't get sick. That is right. For you not toget sick, your brain must emit or send proper signals to your bodycells. It is as simple as that. But it is quite a difficult task formost of us, and yes, we know that.
Let's brush our teeth religiously every morning and evening.
Don'tt hink bad to others.
Do good to others.
Eat the right food.
Don't drink too much.
Make yourself right.
In conclusion, what does really make you sick? The answer seems to beyour "aggressive" and "unreligious mind" of your distorted brain wavethat controls the body cells. Now, at least, you can avoid contracting some maladies, if you understand these things.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
What does really make you sick? Is it bacteria? Is it virus? Is ityour sloppiness? Is it hereditary or genetically? There are variousreasons and causes that make you sick. However, there should be ananswer on how to escape from getting such maladies, if not, minimizeit.Some people are really healthy and some look so weak. We envy richand healthy people when we get ill. Some look so sick due tofinancial stress. Stress is also a cause of illness as you know.Whatever the causes are, there must be some solutions to minimizegetting illnesses. Yes, there are.Do you believe that brushing teeth is one way to eliminate many kindsof diseases? Brushing your teeth may prevent serious illnesses suchas diabetes, cancer, heart disease, kidney, and liver troubles. Is itpossible to clean your blood and prevent some heart disease out ofyour toothbrush? Yes, it is possible. It is just like a good prayerto God when you brush your teeth :) .Many illnesses we know are maybe the result of "periodontal (gum)disease" without our knowledge or undetected. Of course, suchperiodontal disease goes through the bloodstream to other internalorgans in the body, and one day it may lead to unexpected illnesses.Most of us do not think that health problems come from our mouth orteeth. However, most dentists know about it. Brushing teeth is a veryeffective means of preventing periodontal diseases.Of course, brushing teeth does not mean that you won't suffer fromdiseases like diabetes, cancer, and AIDS. What we mean is it willhelp you minimize contracting such maladies because as I said it isjust like a prayer to God. Brushing teeth daily is just the same asconcentrating spiritually as well as mentally. Do you notice that your blood pressure goes down, sugar contents in your blood goesdown, and your heartbeat calms down, after brushing your teeth? It is because when you are concentrating to something just like thatof "Yoga" or listening to a classical music and of course brushing ofyour teeth, your brain wave becomes calm without distortions.Of course, there are hundreds of factors involve when getting sick.Food intake, works you do everyday, and stress you shoulder everydaycould be factors of getting sick.
FASTING We all know about "fasting". Almost all religious sectors seem tohave a certain session for fasting. What does fasting means? Fastingfrom food. Fasting from sex. Fasting from drinking liquor. Fastingmay mean detoxification of all evils.In an ancient Chinese medical and Buddhism book, it says that fastingwill stop or slow the function of cells in the body, and heals allwounds physically and spiritually.In Japan, there are temples and fasting centers where they train onhow to start fasting. When I was 13 years old, I was thin, weak, andsickly boy. My mother recommended me to be in a fasting center for 40days. In the center, When you arecalm and your brain wave is calm, thus, sending proper signals toyour body cells, you won't get sick. That is right. For you not toget sick, your brain must emit or send proper signals to your bodycells. It is as simple as that. But it is quite a difficult task formost of us, and yes, we know that.Let's brush our teeth religiously every morning and evening. Don'tthink bad to others. Do good to others. Eat the right food. Don'tdrink too much. Make yourself right.In conclusion, what does really make you sick? The answer seems to beyour "aggressive" and "unreligious mind" of your distorted brain wavethat controls the body cells. Now, at least, you can avoidcontracting some maladies, if you understand these things.
Monday, June 29, 2009
health tips for ur heart
1. Stop smoking. Quitting smoking is the single most important thing a person can do to live longer. If you are a smoker, you are twice as likely to have a heart attack than a non-smoker. But from the moment you stop smoking, the risk of heart attack starts to reduce. With public smoking bans recently introduced, there has never been a better time to give up.
2. Cut down on salt. Too much salt can cause high blood pressure, which increases the risk of developing coronary heart disease. Avoid foods like crisps, salted nuts, canned and packet soups and sauces, baked beans and canned vegetables, pork pies, pizzas and ready meals. Many breakfast cereals and breads that appear healthy also contain high levels of salt, so keep your eye on these too.
3. Watch your diet. A healthy diet can help to reduce the risk of developing heart disease, and can also help increase the chances of survival after a heart attack. You should try to have a balanced diet, containing plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, oily fish, starchy foods such as wholegrain bread, pasta and rice. Avoid foods like biscuits, cakes, pastries and dairy products that are high in saturated fats and sugar.
4. Monitor your alcohol. Too much alcohol can damage the heart muscle, increase blood pressure and also lead to weight gain. Binge drinking will increase your risk of having a heart attack, so you should aim to limit your intake to one to two units a day.
5. Get active.The heart is a muscle and it needs exercise to keep fit so that it can pump blood efficiently round your body with each heart beat. You should aim for 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise a day. If this seems too daunting, start off gently and build up gradually. Keeping fit not only benefits your physical health - it improves your mental health and wellbeing too.
6. Manage your weight. The number of people who are overweight in Britain is rising fast - already more than half of the adult population is overweight or obese. Carrying a lot of extra weight as fat can greatly affect your health and increases the risk of life-threatening conditions such as coronary heart disease and diabetes. If you are overweight or obese, start by making small, but healthy changes to what you eat, and try to become more active.
7. Get your blood pressure and cholesterol levels checked by your GP. The higher your blood pressure, the shorter your life expectancy. People with high blood pressure run a higher risk of having a stroke or a heart attack. High levels of cholesterol in the blood - produced by the liver from saturated fats - can lead to fatty deposits in your coronary arteries that increase your risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, and diseases that affect the circulation. You can help lower your cholesterol level by exercising and eating high-fibre foods such as porridge, beans, pulses, lentils, nuts, fruits and vegetables.
8. Learn to manage your stress levels. If you find things are getting on top of you, you may fail to eat properly, smoke and drink too much and this may increase your risk of a heart attack.
9. Check your family history . If a close relative is at risk of developing coronary heart disease from smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, lack of physical activity, obesity and diabetes, then you could be at risk too.
10. Make sure you can recognise the early signs of coronary heart disease . Tightness or discomfort in the chest, neck, arm or stomach which comes on when you exert yourself but goes away with rest may be the first sign of angina, which can lead to a heart attack if left untreated.
Health tips from the British Heart Foundation.
2. Cut down on salt. Too much salt can cause high blood pressure, which increases the risk of developing coronary heart disease. Avoid foods like crisps, salted nuts, canned and packet soups and sauces, baked beans and canned vegetables, pork pies, pizzas and ready meals. Many breakfast cereals and breads that appear healthy also contain high levels of salt, so keep your eye on these too.
3. Watch your diet. A healthy diet can help to reduce the risk of developing heart disease, and can also help increase the chances of survival after a heart attack. You should try to have a balanced diet, containing plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, oily fish, starchy foods such as wholegrain bread, pasta and rice. Avoid foods like biscuits, cakes, pastries and dairy products that are high in saturated fats and sugar.
4. Monitor your alcohol. Too much alcohol can damage the heart muscle, increase blood pressure and also lead to weight gain. Binge drinking will increase your risk of having a heart attack, so you should aim to limit your intake to one to two units a day.
5. Get active.The heart is a muscle and it needs exercise to keep fit so that it can pump blood efficiently round your body with each heart beat. You should aim for 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise a day. If this seems too daunting, start off gently and build up gradually. Keeping fit not only benefits your physical health - it improves your mental health and wellbeing too.
6. Manage your weight. The number of people who are overweight in Britain is rising fast - already more than half of the adult population is overweight or obese. Carrying a lot of extra weight as fat can greatly affect your health and increases the risk of life-threatening conditions such as coronary heart disease and diabetes. If you are overweight or obese, start by making small, but healthy changes to what you eat, and try to become more active.
7. Get your blood pressure and cholesterol levels checked by your GP. The higher your blood pressure, the shorter your life expectancy. People with high blood pressure run a higher risk of having a stroke or a heart attack. High levels of cholesterol in the blood - produced by the liver from saturated fats - can lead to fatty deposits in your coronary arteries that increase your risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, and diseases that affect the circulation. You can help lower your cholesterol level by exercising and eating high-fibre foods such as porridge, beans, pulses, lentils, nuts, fruits and vegetables.
8. Learn to manage your stress levels. If you find things are getting on top of you, you may fail to eat properly, smoke and drink too much and this may increase your risk of a heart attack.
9. Check your family history . If a close relative is at risk of developing coronary heart disease from smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, lack of physical activity, obesity and diabetes, then you could be at risk too.
10. Make sure you can recognise the early signs of coronary heart disease . Tightness or discomfort in the chest, neck, arm or stomach which comes on when you exert yourself but goes away with rest may be the first sign of angina, which can lead to a heart attack if left untreated.
Health tips from the British Heart Foundation.
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